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Coronavirus: Coping now to preserve your chances of having a baby in the future

Coping now to support future fertility success


A black and whiote photo of Dany Griffiths

By Dany Griffiths

In this post I give you the 3 ACTIONS you will want to take, to ensure you can move through this pandemic from a place of strength and by doing so, help your future chances of fertility success.

For additional FREE resources and support from my team, come and join the Freedom Fertility Emotional Well-Being Support Space FB Group. To gain access click on the link below.

Hey you, I am so glad that you decided to click on this post because right now not only are you still living with an uncertain future about your chances of having a baby, the messages currently being shared about it being unsafe to get pregnant during this time, have the ability to create a long-lasting impact on your fertility too.

I’m aware also that all of your usual support mechanisms in the shape of things like acupuncture, reflexology, fertility massage, etc. and even for some your fertility clinics, have disappeared for the time being.

Taking care of your mental health and emotional well-being has, therefore, become more important than ever.

It is the number one thing, in fact, you can do right now to help yourself and your future fertility.

NOTE: If you are reading this because you want to help those struggling to conceive, please scroll down to the bottom and register for my free online programme, because right now I need more people to help me than ever.

You may feel that because you have been told to put getting pregnant on hold right now, that there is nothing you can be doing to support your chances of fertility success.

However, that is not the case, and the actions you take right now will make all the difference when you can start trying for a baby again.

Everything in this post is focused on making sure that you are not living in an Emergency State, which is incredibly harmful to your chances of becoming pregnant.

This is always the goal of the Freedom Fertility Formula, however in these uncertain times, this aim is more important than ever.

The reason for this is that when you are scared in some way the ancient caveman part of your brain, which I call the Feeling Brain, believes you are in real danger.

As your survival is your Feeling Brain's main objective, it will shut down anything that is not important to that, your ability to get pregnant included.

The huge problem in our modern-day times is that our Feeling Brain does not have the same capacity it once did, for understanding when the danger had passed. Therefore even when this pandemic is over, your Feeling Brain may hold on to the message that it is not safe for you to get pregnant.

Thankfully it is unlikely for most of us that even if we get the coronavirus we will be in life-threatening danger. From your Feeling Brain’s perspective though that doesn’t matter. There is a collective fear around the world right now that is magnifying its concern that we might be in that kind of peril.

Also, the general fears we are having about being able to get food and supplies feed into the Feeling Brain’s fear that we may starve. It’s not true, there are no food shortages for us, however seeing empty shelves, and not being able to book online shopping slots, or worrying that we may get ill and not be able to go to the local shops, all scare the pants off our Feeling Brain.

Being told we have to practice social distancing and self-isolation is also a problem because your Feeling Brain views this disconnection as being alone. Being alone to your Feeling Brain again sends messages that your survival is in danger because back in caveman times we would never have survived alone.

Now for the good news.

I want you to know that it is relatively easy to restore the balance and ensure that your Feeling Brain does not inadvertently learn and hold on to a message that it’s not safe for you to get pregnant.

I get that this is all upsetting though, so here’s the light in our current situation that I want you to fully understand.

In some way, your Feeling Brain was already likely to have been holding to a belief that it is unsafe for you to get pregnant, BEFORE this pandemic.

This is because your Feeling Brain interprets any distress you are feeling as danger, and there is a huge amount of stress and upset on a fertility journey isn’t there?

Which means that this pandemic has CREATED AN OPPORTUNITY for you, to once and for all make sure that your Feeling Brain is not inadvertently blocking your chances of becoming pregnant.

To make sure of this, I have listed the three most important things you will want to be concentrating on right now:

1. Connecting

It is vital that your Feeling Brain knows that you are not alone. I’m not just talking about having people around you to talk to, albeit virtually for the most part at the moment. I mean being connected to people who understand your unique situation with regards to your fertility struggle, which I appreciate is not necessarily easy even when there is no pandemic.

2. Coping

Using proven tools and techniques to help ensure that you are able to move out of the Emergency State and stem the flow of fear and anxiety so that your Feeling Brain doesn’t take on the belief that it is not safe for you to get pregnant.

3. Calming

Knowing how to feel emotionally in control of the challenges you are facing. This is to ensure that your Feeling Brain does not get trapped by any beliefs it may already have taken on about the threat to your survival if you get pregnant.

Combined these three things will ensure that you can handle this current situation in a useful way for your mental health and emotional well-being and your future chances of having a baby.

I can’t put everything you need in one blog post though, which is why I want to INVITE YOU to join the Freedom Fertility Emotional Well-Being Support Space FB group 

By joining this group you will have the following:

Connection with likeminded individuals and Freedom Fertility Formula Specialists ready to help you in the right way to support your needs. This is the number one most important thing you can do for yourself right now.

A recording of a workshop that I ran recently to ensure that you know how to Cope in these unprecedented times. I dive deeper on making sure you are not living in an Emergency State and provide the three most important techniques you will want to be using right now concerning that.

There is also an online programme of shorter sessions for you to work through, providing you with a strategy that will ensure you feel emotionally in control, rather than trying to control your emotions and inadvertently squashing them down where they can do short and long term harm.

To join the Freedom Fertility Emotional Well-Being Support Space FB group click on the link below

All of the support and resources are FREE and available immediately from within the group.

I have made all of this help and resources free as I want to make sure that what is on offer is fully accessible to all.

That said I can’t, of course, replicate all of the advantages of working 1:1 with a Freedom Fertility Formula Specialist. Therefore once you are in the group, if you feel like it would be useful to have your own personal support from one of my Freedom Fertility Formula Specialists, please reach out and let us know.

You can do that by posting on the group or sending a FB Message to me via the Freedom Fertility Formula FB Page.

No-one should be alone on their fertility journey ever, least of all now in these difficult times. My Freedom Fertility Formula Specialists and I are keen to help as many people as we can, so if what I have been sharing has resonated with you, click on the link below and join us now.

I very much look forward to welcoming you into our community.“Stay Safe, Stay Strong, Stay Connected.’

Dany Griffiths


If you would like to find out if working with Fertility Clients is right for you. Check out my Free Online Introductory Workshop for Becoming a Freedom Fertility FormulaTM Specialist.


If you would like to find out if working with Fertility Clients is right for you. Check out my Free Online Introductory Workshop for Becoming a Freedom Fertility FormulaTM Specialist.

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A photo of Dany Griffiths -founder of the Freedom Fertility Formula™

