
Why Laughter is Good for you now and for your Future Fertility Success

Why laughter is good for you and your future fertility success


A black and whiote photo of Dany Griffiths

By Dany Griffiths

Here’s why I am going to be posting funny things on the Freedom Fertility Emotional Well-Being Support Facebook Group. I’d love you to share things that you find funny too. If you are not already already a member of our growing community, click on the ‘Join Now’ button below to become a member now. Laughter makes you feel good doesn’t it and I believe that right now more than ever you will want to make laughter an essential part of your Self-Care Strategy, because the more ways we find to make us feel good the better, would you agree?Laughter isn’t just about making you feel good in the now though, so let’s take a look at 5 other key benefits that making sure you get your daily dose of laughter will help you with.


One of its most important benefits of laughter right now is that is can boost your immunity. Laughter does that by decreasing stress hormones and increasing immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies. So yep that’s right a good old-fashioned laugh is going to make sure if Coronavirus comes knocking at your door that your body can fight it off more easily.


Laughter can also help decrease pain by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural pain relief into your system. You may find that you are experiencing more discomfort in your body right now, including tension headaches, because when we get scared it changes how we breathe and use our body (meant for dealing with emergencies). Without the release of the fear though our muscles become overly tense and tighten and that can cause us pain. Even better news is that laughter will not only reduce pain in the now your muscles will stay relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.


Laughter also lowers your stress hormones which takes you out of what I call the Emergency State, which is really important for helping to make sure you can cope with the uncertainty we are currently facing. From your Future Fertility Success perspective laughter can help ensure that you don’t create any inadvertent emotional blocks that tell your body that pregnancy is not ‘safe’ for you.This is massively important as you are currently hearing lots of messages around it not being safe to get pregnant right now.


Laughter helps to strengthen your resilience because it doesn’t just make you feel good in the moment, those positive feelings stay with you even after the laughter subsides improving your mood over the longer term. Laughter stops distressing emotions because it makes sense doesn’t it, that you can’t feel anxious, angry, sad, etc. when you’re laughing. Therefore, humour helps you keep a positive, optimistic outlook through difficult situations. Laughter also shifts your perspective, allowing you to see situations in a more realistic, less threatening light. More than just a respite from the overwhelm you might be feeling right now, laughter gives you the courage and strength to find new sources of meaning and hope. Even in the most difficult of times such as we are currently experiencing, a laugh or even simply a smile can therefore go a long way towards making you feel better in the now and over the longer term.


Laughter really is contagious so by taking care of yourself through the use of laughter you can be helping those around you also, which means that particularly for those trying to conceive you are making sure that your partner is staying out of the Emergency State too. Let us help to make sure that you stay out of the Emergency State and get your daily dose of laughter. You can join our growing community of individuals struggling to conceive, by clicking on the ‘Join Now’ button below. My go to ways of making sure I get my daily dose of laughter are as follows: Read a funny book. I am currently listening to Life and Laughing: My Story by Michael McIntyre. Listen to funny radio show: Every Friday I tune in to the show in the Friday Night Comedy spot on the BBC Sounds App. Watching stand up comedy shows on You Tube. Micky Flanagan is a massive new favourite of mine. All of these can be accessed really easily during Lockdown at home so there is no excuse for not getting your daily dose of laughter.Come and join the Freedom Fertility Emotional Well-Being Support group and share your favourite ways to get your daily dose of laughs. Added benefits of joining our group is that my team of Freedom Fertility Formula Specialists and I are there to support you and you will also find an abundance of FREE resources. All of which are immediately available from within the group. No-one should be alone on their fertility journey ever, least of all now in these difficult times. My Freedom Fertility Formula Specialists and I are keen to help as many people as we can, so if what I have been sharing has resonated with you, click on the link below and join us now. I very much look forward to welcoming you into our community.“Stay Safe, Stay Strong, Stay Connected.’
Dany Griffiths


If you would like to find out if working with Fertility Clients is right for you. Check out my Free Online Introductory Workshop for Becoming a Freedom Fertility FormulaTM Specialist.

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