
A Dynamic Emotional Healing and Life Empowerment journey

I just want to have a baby - The Freedom Fertility Formula™ with Dany Griffiths

Does struggling with fertility issues leave you feeling like you are locked in an emotional prison?

With everyone else appearing to be getting on with their lives, whilst you stay trapped in limbo. That place of wondering if whether you should still have hope, or if it’s time to give up on your desire to have a baby.

It’s not fair is it? It feels like everyone else is getting pregnant with ease, or maybe worse, all of your other friends struggling with fertility issues are one by one getting pregnant too. You want to feel happy for them but with every pregnancy or birth announcement you see, it feels like someone is twisting the knife ever deeper into your emotionally wounded heart. The guilt you feel about this adds to your pain and you feel forced to put your fake smile on and pretend that everything is ok.

You wonder if there is anybody out there who can truly understand what it is that you are going through. Even when you make an effort to explain you feel misunderstood and perhaps even angry at your friends, family and colleagues, for their ill-informed words that they think should make you feel better.

Wh​​​​at’s even more unfair, is that there is a sad and cruel twist to the impact that your fertility journey is having on your life. Which is that the emotional pain it is causing can be further harming your chances of becoming pregnant too.

If this all sounds painfully too familiar there is something very important that I want you to know.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

There is a structured way to handle this emotional overwhelm, that will step by step, enable you to take back control of your life and your fertility journey.

The Freedom Fertility Formula™ has been designed to ‘Crack the Code of the F.E.R.T.I.L.E. Mind’ – 7 core sessions that will gently support you on a journey of transformation, providing you with the code to access the key to freedom and live your life more fully once again.

The really great news is that whilst you are doing that you are also enhancing your chances of becoming pregnant too. 

Laying down strong foundations with The Freedom Fertility Formula™ with Dany Griffiths


Having attended a Freedom Fertility First Aid™ session it is time to lay down a strong Foundation for change. This is a back to basics session around Self-Care, Stress-Management and tapping into your Sixth-Sense so you know you are making all the right decisions for you.

Understanding your Emotions with The Freedom Fertility Formula™ with Dany Griffiths


Learn about your Emotions in a whole new way so that they are able to guide you in the best direction rather than holding you back. Difficult feelings should never be squashed down, however the teachings around how to ‘let them go’ are just as harming too. This session will blow your mind.

Reprogramming you mind with The Freedom Fertility Formula™ with Dany Griffiths


Let go of the negative experiences and subconscious emotional blocks that may be inadvertently affecting your fertility, and set up new Pathways for Success instead.

Tactics to manage your life with The Freedom Fertility Formula™ and Dany Griffiths


Know how to instantly change your emotional state whenever you need and protect yourself from the negative impacts of life.

Using your imagination to help with The Freedom Fertility Formula™ and Dany Griffiths


Use the power of the mind/body connection to enhance your natural fertility and double the success rate of IVF.

Feel free to live your life again - LIBRATION - with The Freedom Fertility Formula™ with Dany Griffiths


Feel ready to accept invitations, make plans and get on with living your life again knowing that you can handle anything.

Enjoying life again with Freedom Fertility Formula™ and Dany Griffiths


 Wake up each day feeling positive and optimistic, enjoy fun times with your family and friends, and feel passionate about your partner, your relationships and your life in general.

This is your new reality.

A Freedom Fertility Formula™ Specialist has the skills to ensure that right from the start, you can share your pain with someone who knows how to listen in a way that you are guaranteed to feel heard.

Our team of Freedom Fertility Formula™ Specialists have been trained in the unique Conscious Emotional Processing™ approach with which they will help you to access the key to freedom and live your life fully again.

When you work with a Freedom Fertility Formula™ Specialist they will help you to examine what is going on in your life right now, and really importantly, what has changed since you got on the roller-coaster ride of infertility.

This enables you to discover what specific obstacles or challenges there might be for you. Your Freedom Fertility Specialist will then take you through a process that will enable you to lay down a Pathway of Success for you to follow. Small manageable steps that will ensure that by the time you reach session 7 of the Freedom Fertility Formula, you won’t recognise the person you are today – in a good way.

That’s hard to believe isn’t it? In just 8 sessions spread across approximately three months, you will be in control of your fertility journey, rather than your fertility journey controlling you.

This is such a win:win because you get to regain the value in life again, whilst still being respectful of your desire to have a baby, and enhancing your chances of conceiving too.

Additional Sessions

There are also additional sessions as follows:

  • The IVF (other assisted methods) Enhancement Process (research and our own results suggest that this work doubles the success rates of IVF).
  • Newly Pregnant (calming the fears that naturally come when you’ve had a difficult fertility journey).
  • Handling Loss (your Freedom Fertility Formula™ Specialist can support you with unresolved trauma from previous loss(es) and be there for you if you experience loss whilst you are working together.
  • Supporting you through the decision to stop trying for your own baby and new pathway planning.

If this resonates with you and you’d like to book a Freedom Fertility First-Aid™  Session please find a Specialist here.


You may also wish to join me on my Facebook Group that has been set up as a Safe Space for those struggling with fertility issues where there is a free 5 day workshop – ‘laying a strong foundation for change’.

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WAIT, before you go!

Learn how you can reclaim emotional control of your fertility journey and start living life more joyfully again.


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A photo of Dany Griffiths -founder of the Freedom Fertility Formula™


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