How To Deal With The Hidden Cost Of Hiding Infertility
Most of my clients will share that they don’t want to talk about their fertility struggles, the top most reason being that it is personal and they don’t feel the need for everyone to know.
Most of my clients will share that they don’t want to talk about their fertility struggles, the top most reason being that it is personal and they don’t feel the need for everyone to know.
Struggling to conceive is one of the hardest things a person has to face causing a huge emotional impact on their life.
Seeing all the happy back to school pics is like a stab to your heart isn’t it? In truth, social media posts have the potential to do that to you each and every day of the year don’t they?
They are a reminder (not that you need one) of the fact that you don’t yet have your long for child.
Whether it’s the stress of the workload, the challenging behaviour from students, unrealistic expectations from leadership, or the frustration from a lack of autonomy in the classroom, many teachers struggle to conceive, with a large number being forced to turn to assisted conception after years of infertility.
So often when trying to get pregnant the focus is on what you put into your body.
I want you to imagine for a moment that there is something you really want.
Excerpt from my book available on Amazon – ‘I just want to have a baby: a guide for your emotional well-being on your journey from Fertility Despair to Fertility Freedom’.
It may feel obvious what feeds the Downward Cycle of Despair but there is more going on than meets the eye, and it relates to your innate drive to survive.
Excerpt from my new book ‘I just want to have a baby: a guide for your emotional well-being on your journey from Fertility Despair to Fertility Freedom, available to purchase on Amazon.
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