I’m a Specialist Fertility Coach & Holistic Therapist. By using a combination of my coaching skills and proven techniques, including HypnoFertility and EFT (Energy Tapping), my ‘Fertility Avenue Transformation Programme’, which incorporates the Freedom Fertility Formula™ Programme, helps women to handle their fertility journey feeling calm, positive and emotionally in control. When the mind and body work in harmony, my clients feel more relaxed and empowered. This enables them to find enjoyment in life again, as well as improving their chances of falling pregnant.
I am also a HypnoBirthing Practitioner. My clients learn specific self-hypnosis, breathing and relaxation techniques to help them have a calm and enjoyable pregnancy & birthing experience. The numerous benefits of the programme also continue after the birth, including helping couples to bond with their new-born baby and helping to develop good sleeping patterns.