Most importantly that we see the word ‘research’ and immediately believe what we are reading to be true.
Here’s my take on the research and statistics available, and what I believe is the number 1 thing you want to be researching.
Before continuing I will be honest and say I hate reading research papers. I like simplicity and don’t have the patience to wade through information, which let’s say isn’t written in the most simplistic format.
I prefer to leave trawling through research papers to other members of my Freedom Elite Team who love to read them.
When I do grab a large cup of black coffee to strengthen my resolve and put on my glasses to read some of these papers, I tend to get frustrated because the research is always conflicting.
Pieces of research also look like they are talking about the same thing but when you break it down you find that they aren’t.
Today for example I was looking at what research says about whether infertility causes divorce, as I was going to write about that for today’s blog post.
What did I find?
That some of the research says it does and others says it doesn't and the reasons given for the differences isn't completely comparing like with like.
So, I decided to give up on my planned blog post and started writing this one instead.
You see the problem for me with any research that involves people, is that it can’t really be properly controlled.
Everyone comes with their own unique set of positive learnings, baggage and stuff that happens along the way, don't they? They also all look after their physical well-being in their own unique ways too.
This is why even with my own pregnancy success rates with clients and the pregnancy success rates I receive from my Freedom Fertility Formula Specialists, I am the first to say that these results are not completely down to a client going through the Freedom Fertility Formula.
Whilst a client may view the Freedom Fertility Formula as their magic solution, when they get pregnant after years of trying. They come having done a host of other things to help with their fertility don't they?
So who knows if the Freedom Fertility Formula is the solution or just the final piece of the puzzle that made the difference?
I see it as the latter and firmly believe that ‘team work makes the dream work’ when it comes to fertility. That the more holistic providers and fertility clinics collaborate together, the better support will be available for all of our clients.
This is why I also believe that despite some of my clients having been told such things as:
- You are unlikely to ever get pregnant,
- Your IVF cycle has a low chance of being successful
- Use donor eggs because your eggs aren't viable.
Along with all sorts of other 'proven statistics' around potential failure, they do in fact go on to get pregnant.
The important thing that you want to be aware of in relation to any research or statistics, is that whilst they may be interesting they don't 100% relate to you and your circumstances. No-where near a 100% in fact.
Therefore, the best thing you can do for yourself is always follow what feels right for you with regards to the action that you want to take.
If you like to read up on the research, gather your information but then sit back and reflect on what it is that you have been told. Does it fit with how you are experiencing your fertility journey?
If you discover a fertility programme guaranteeing success, explore if their approach feels right for you and how they support you if you don't get pregnant.
In relation to what I was going to talk about today, which is whether infertility causes divorce. My answer to this is that you don’t need research or statistics to tell you when you are struggling and if your emotional well-being, your relationships or any other aspect of your life are in need of help.
What is rarely discussed though is the importance of getting that help.
I believe you deserve to feel emotionally in control of your fertility journey and to be able to live your life more joyfully whilst ‘living in the wait’.
To me you and your emotional well-being are as important to take care of on this fertility journey, as helping your body be the most fertile it can be.
How taking care of your emotional well-being fits in with the complex nature of the workings of our mind and body to create pregnancy success, who truly knows, because the research shows conflicting results?
All I can say is that I see the proof of it all of the time and whether or not research conclusively shows that to be true is irrelevant to me.
So, what is the number 1 thing to research?
Well if research and fertility statistics aren't 100% about you, I believe the number 1 place to start is researching what is going on with you.
Right now I am sure that you are either considering tests, in the middle of them or have already had them done. This is important but it leads back to all those statistics around your likely chances of success.
The missing piece of research in my view that rarely gets considered is the emotional impact on your life and its affect on the mind/body connection and your ability to make the best choices for you.
This is not about therapies like reflexology and acupuncture that I know support the release of difficult emotions. This is about creating a unique kind of calm that is created in the mind through taking back the emotional control of your fertility journey.
Because I know that this is something that is rarely considered, I would like to invite you to come and join my Freedom Fertility Emotional Well-Being Support Space FB Group, where you can begin that research by going through my FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP – Laying Down a Strong Foundation for Change, during which you will also be personally supported by me.
I look forward to seeing you there.